Amanda Verdery Young

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Many of Us Are Wounded Leaders

The Wounded Healer is an important and prevalent archetype of our time. But what of the Wounded Leader? I can clearly see in myself as well as in many- if not all- my clients the archetype of Wounded Leader... Especially many highly creative, movement-making, ambitious and far-seeing womyn/caring men/non-binary ones are wounded leaders.

I’ve done deep and painful work to trace the lines of silencing, pleasing and downplaying my skills back to childhood in order to claim and emerge with my gifts (an ongoing labor). It’s crucial at this time that we consciously heal these old, patriarchal stories.

One of the most important (if not THE most important) parts of the work I do with, namely women but not only, is to help identify oneself unequivocally as a Leader~ of your own life, business and community.

The Earth beneath your feet yearns for you to claim your special tone of Leadership.

Most often, Wounded Leaders feel one + of the following:

✨A stressful sense that they’re being left behind and/or undervalued by their own pack of peers
✨Fear that others will “do it first,” or that what they feel born to do has “already been done.”
✨Anger and resentment at those who always seem to be tapping their wisdom and talents
✨Exhaustion from always saying YES to these tappings and requests
✨Hardcore FOMO in their field of interest/industry.
✨The nagging, confusing feeling that you’re meant for something great/big/epic coupled with a critical voice that minimizes and routinely tames this desire.
✨Extra sensitivity to bouts of comparison and competitiveness.

Are you a Wounded Leader? ✨🙌🏽✨