Amanda Verdery Young

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4 Questions to Draw Out Your Soul Powers

collage by Amanda Verdery Young, using Canva pro

THERE IS NO FINAL DESTINATION. There really is no arrival. Or, if there is, it is fleeting. Let this truth be a salve for any part of your heart which feels like there’s something to figure out regarding who you are and why you’re here. Come back into the conversation of a lifetime.

Even after discovering your soul gifts, even after remembering yourself as a truly powerful being, even after you let go, transform, heal something… there is no end to the journey. Only your own, ever-deepening Truth.

You're already enacting your soul's gift and purpose, right this very moment, to some degree. The question is not whether, but how much? How fully? How large are you letting yourself become, how wild, before you shrink back down into something more conforming to what’s expected of you?

Come back into your largesse, your wild inheritance, by loving what you love. Come back into your largesse through wide-eyed curiosity at what you disdain. Investigate every shadowy discomfort, every unfurling bloom that speaks to you. Your gifts and powers are hidden in what you love most, and are most loved for. Your destiny is folded into what breaks your heart, and what pricks you even while its enchanting you. Leave no love or fear un-inspected.

What do you love most?
What are you most loved for?
What sharp thorn pricks and yet enchants you?
What breaks your heart wide open?