Amanda Verdery Young

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Beautiful Is: A Springtime Ritual

The Celts have a tradition, a way of blessing the Land and thus being blessed. It's very simple.

Go wandering in Nature, as drunk on love as possible, and begin to say aloud, "Beautiful Is....," naming everything and everyone you meet that you find beautiful.

(tip: everything wants to be named & everything longs to bless you).

Spring is an amazing time for this, because everything is utterly devoted to coming alive, and needs your encouragement and blatant flattery to keep opening.

Speak it, or better yet, sing it like you mean it, like this:

Beautiful is Grandmother Pine.
Beautiful is Laughing Daffodil.
Beautiful is Long Cloud kissing her Sky Lover.

Beautiful is this strange web
where we meet across time and space.
Beautiful is the way we're energizing each other.
Beautiful is the way we're making culture together.
Beautiful is the way you keep finding ways
to love the world.
Beautiful is the Story of You.

What happens inside of you when you get drunk on Beauty like this?

What happens when you speak in this way to your own efforts to bloom?