Amanda Verdery Young

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Shapeshift to Elder & The 30-Day Shapeshifting Journey

The moon moves into fullness now as do the gardens. With bountiful harvest comes the beginning of the year’s steadfast dying back; a beautiful tension to contemplate. Life at its ripest~ yet just shades from expiration. It’s a wondrous time of year to work with the Spirit of the Land, fruit-full with wisdom as it is.

We're here to re-member who we are and why we came~ the Land and her Seasons are eager to guide us. It is traditional in shamanic cultures pan-culturally to spend extra time in deep connection with Nature when at her ripest. In my own, Celtic lineage, we celebrate Lughnasadh at the start of August~ delighting in both the toil of harvesting what we have sown as well as enjoying to the fullest the delicious juicy fruits, colors and lazy hues of the Land.

Harvest is a time for receiving ~ physical food, emotional food, SOUL FOOD. Receiving is hard for many of us. Receiving is not the same as taking. Taking speaks to our cultural obsession with doing. Receiving is a being state. Receiving is allowing.

The art of shapeshifting is a beautiful practice in allowing, in receiving. In moving your consciousness from Self to the consciousness of another being, you can learn much while not really doing anything! Just being another being for a while, to see what you might naturally gain.

Join me for a 30-day shapeshifting journey with the beings who live right where you live. It’s exceedingly important to feel connected to the Land you live with. The Land and her many beings feel the same. It changes my life when I truly opened my deeper inner eye, ear, nose, and heart to my own yard, neighborhood and nearby forests.

I am taking this 30-day journey myself! To go even deeper with the many powers surrounding me and my family. By the end of this journey, my life (and perhaps yours too) will have shape-shifted most radically... more on that soon. For now, I offer you a free audio guide to simple shapeshifting. I hope you’ll stay tuned and take part, or just enjoy whatever gems the land I live with bequeaths.

I began with Elder~ a wondrous Spirit for deep healing, especially of grief, Elder holds secrets and soothing around the cycle of Life, Death & Rebirth which is exquisitely articulated this time of year… Below are a few contemplations I returned from Journey with~

Wisdoms of Elder

The antidote to Fear is Presence.

Are you feeling deeply connected to what you love? When was the last time you simply sat quietly and named all the things you LOVE to do? What do you LOVE, dear lovely one?

When your arms are heavy with the fruit of your labors, that is the best sort of heaviness. Can you let yourself be heavy with Abundance before moving on to the next thing? Can you stay with receiving long enough to let it change you?

A Summer Cottage awaits you in the Dreamtime; it is a place of exceeding kindness and warmth towards yourself, your body, your weary heart. It is a place with overflowing baskets of fruits, vegetable beds overflowing, herbs-a-plenty, pies cooling on the windowsills, honey in the hives out back. This place is where you go to feed your soul, when weary. Have you been there lately?

Which of these wisdoms stirs you? Have you a relationship with Elder? If so, what has she revealed to you? Please do share in the comments!