Amanda Verdery Young

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Claim the Ebb, Welcome the Flow

Think of the magic of summer:
Its activity
And out-breath
are like the ebb and flow
of a river...

Some moments are for bees
busy with crucial work,
bringing the world to life
showing the way
to that sun-nectar,
they dance in circles,
infinity rhythms,
making and doing
what only they can.

And then there’s the flower,
Just being,
Provocative blooming,
delicious surrender,
with ease lilting
in the sensual warm wind~
They EBB
after their long labor
Of becoming.

Trust yourself.
If you’re a flower
be unapologetic.
Just Be.
It’s enough.

If you’re a bee
keep moving,
keep dancing.
Know the value
of your circular maps
your winding way
doing and making
what only you can.

~ amanda verdery young