Singing Our Ancestral Songs

Much has been lost from deep ancestral times, as well as even more recent times in our lineages. We long to remember old ways, old melodies, ancient songs and ways of being.

When I was 39 years old, I was gifted a hand-bound and calligraphed book of poetry from 1929— a collection of incredibly witchy, nature-based poetry. I was told it belonged to a distant aunt. I had to know more and what I ended up discovering was that these poems were my great grandmother Eleanor’s works, preserved into this beautiful book by her beloved husband.

Her poems became a portal to finding my own voice, and bridging the gap between what has been lost and what can yet be remembered and shared across time and space, about who we are and the deeper, ancestral traditions from which we come.

Here’s a video of me singing one of my Great Grandmother Eleanor’s poems, Song of a Spirit. I am not a life-long singer, performer or songwriter. I began singing only a handful of years ago! I am, perhaps, a song-catcher and keeper of melodies which seek a home in my body. I believe we all can be.

If remembering ancestral songs and finding your voice, ancient yet modern, speaks to you, I invite you to explore and reconnect with the ancestral, bardic traditions of Europe, in a beautiful course called Songs of Mother Europe.

Whether you are of European descent or curious about the indigenous songs of this part of the world, Songs of Mother Europe is an incredible course to experience!