3 Ways to Encounter Your Power

There are many ways to encounter our power, our gifts. The world is a mirror. As within, so without. Wild things encounter themselves in us, too. And we find out how we’re different, and alike. In the luckiest moments, we glimpse what is ours, alone, to bring into the world in this lifetime.

Below you will find three really potent, time tested ways to encounter your power. Don’t be fooled by their simplicity; any one can truly awaken something in you. Something important. Something precious.

Please leave a comment and tell us if you took a chance with any of these, which one and what you discovered!


If you haven’t spent sacred time strolling in nature, you can read my simple guide to sauntering right here. Always be sure to tell someone where you’ve gone, and when you plan to return. Try to head out with the idea that this place of power is seeking you, too. Remember to notice everything about this place of power, should you find it. Your whole body will know if you’ve found it. You may or may not share powers in common with this place. Your aim is to learn from a place of power about your power, not to try and become more like that place or to project your identity onto a place. Let yourself be surprised. Places of power come in all shapes and sizes, so really pay attention with your whole animal body.


Shadow work is not only about discovering unsettling aspects of ourselves. It’s also about discovering BIG powers within us, which we at some point cast into the darkness because our psyche did not feel safe embodying them. Just as we might project on another a negative trait we cannot bear within ourselves, so do we often project brilliant traits we cannot bear within ourselves.

It may be true that the person you admire— the one you don’t think you could ever be like— does indeed possess traits you value. Play with the idea that you do, too. Think broadly about the core trait, as opposed to the exact ways it presents in another. We are all different, but we all reflect each other’s pathos and power by turn.


The shamanic journey has been a core spiritual practice for me for 20 years now. I was first taught to journey by a Huichol Elder, and now, I do shamanic work according in the tradition of my Celtic indigenous heritage, as a ban feasa in-training, or Celtic medicine woman.

Whatever lineage finds you, the basic principles of journeying and the knowledge of the Otherworld(s) are remarkably similar pan-culturally.

Journeying to the Otherworld is an accessible, direct line to the Soul of the World— that great river of life which longs to help us remember who we are, and to heal and to come fully alive.

Take a soul-awakening Free Guided Journey with me, to help you in the big work of remembering who you are. This journey is a Bombilore community favorite.


Do You long to encounter your power & let it guide your life?

I offer transformative space, as Soul Guide & Nature-based Healer, for those longing to remember who they truly are, realize the greatest expression of their gifts, and manifest a life of resounding meaning. Through my unique, feminine-centered and earth-based method,Wild Becoming, I help guide others deep into the potential of their lives.