Make List What To Do When Die

Make list what to do when die. (1).png

This morning, I flipped through a journal looking for a series of dreams. I wanted to revisit a theme- a mythos- that’s been guiding an intimate re-mothering of my Inner Child... this tender work only deepens with time.

I was stopped in my tracks when I came upon this to-do list, written 5 months ago, on the day we left the hospital to transition my mother to hospice care~ 8 months after her diagnosis, weeks after her 68th birthday.

This list. This precious and provocative list, from a loving earnest daughter wanting to get it right, was a devastatingly poetic find...

🌬The BELL for by her bed, so she could unabashedly know that her beloveds were nearby, listening and utterly devoted to her. We never needed it; we never left her side.

🌬The STORIES of her life to record ended up being stories people wrote about what she’d meant to them, for she was by then past storytelling. I read them aloud to her, over 150 stories people sent when we said to our community: Speak Now.

🌬And the LIST WHEN DIE. The steps to take once she passed: who to call, what to do. I never wrote that list. Instead, I called the ancestors. My sister bathed her. My brother caressed her. And all the meanwhile, her Spirit surrendering, dancing, loving its way into its mysterious, magnificent to-do “list when die.”

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Where is the poetry, the mythos, the wild becoming in your current to-do list?

I’d love to meet you there, in the imaginal realms of all your beautiful, earnest practicality. Learn about my Wild Becoming Sessions, a unique mentorship made for these times, where your to-do lists will be honored though perhaps not in the way you think. 🙌🏽🌊💫

With wild love & reverence for you,
